Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The girls had a ton of fun trick-or-treating in our neighborhood this evening.  I don't know what we are going to do with all this candy!!!  Actually, I'm sure Paul will know exactly what to do with it. ;-) 

I didn't take a picture of Cailyn's bento for tomorrow, but here is Hailey's lunch.

A cheese sandwich (on a mini potato roll), heart shaped cucumber slices, grape tomatoes, a container of ranch, mini pretzels, mango, and a cupcake that Hailey designed. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Rainbow of Color!

What a warm week it has been so far! I don't think I mind the rain that has come along with it either.  After last weekend in NH and VT, the warmth as been so nice!  I decided I would send Hailey as many colors as I could tomorrow....did I succeed?

Hailey's lunch: grape tomatoes, a container of fresh pumpkin seeds (...that Paul made today), heart shaped mango with a little pick, crackers and a cheese stick (cut into circles), raspberry yogurt, and s'mores goldfish.

For Cailyn: Diced cheese stick, peas and carrots, raspberry yogurt, a couple of crackers, and some fresh mango.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Busy weekend...back to the grind tomorrow!

Paul surprised us with a trip to New Hampshire this weekend.  We went to Santa's Village, and then traveled to VT to eat ice cream and lots of cheese on Sunday!!  Needless to say, we are all so sleepy...and I'm certainly NOT wanting to go to work tomorrow!  Hailey's lunch is just okay, but I am tired, and haven't been to the grocery store.  Hopefully Paul goes for me tomorrow (hint hint!).

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow is  heart shaped ham and cheese sandwich (with a penguin pick for fun), grape tomatoes with a container of ranch, grapes, vanilla yogurt with heart sprinkles, animal crackers, and some candy corn.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Catching Up

I have been good about making the bento lunches, and even good about taking pictures.  However, then I forget to update my blog!  So, here are my lovelies lunches for Tuesday, Wednesday, and tomorrow.

Hailey Tuesday: Peach Yogurt, grapes, a cheese stick (cut up with a penquin pick), crackers, grape tomatoes and a container of ranch, two shortbread cookies, and a little container of raisins.

Hailey Wednesday: Soynut butter and jelly squares, heart shaped cheese, grapes, peaches, animal crackers, and a container of raisins.

Cailyn Wednesday: Grilled cheese, cheddar baby goldfish, vanilla yogurt, and grapes

Hailey Thursday: A cheese sandwich "ghost" with raisin eyes, black olives and grape tomatoes, some blueberry yogurt, grapes, half an orange jack-o-lantern, and a few indian corn.

I'll be honest, I have NO idea what happened to my photos of Cailyn's lunches from Tuesday and tomorrow. So, I'll post one more from a week or so ago that, of course, I uploaded and forgot to post on here.  

Mini flower sandwiches, goldfish, raspberries, cucumber flowers with ranch, some dried apple, a homemade chocolate chip cookie, and a strawberry-apple fruit twist.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Determined to get back into this!

 going to try my best to post 5 bento lunches this week - for both girls.  Let's see if I can do it! :)

For Cailyn:
Diced chicken nuggets, cheese stick - cut into little pieces, grapes - again diced, and some vanilla yogurt.  Hopefully that is a decent lunch for her!

For Hailey:
Ham and cheese roll up, a few crackers, grape tomatoes and a little container of ranch, grapes, "s'mores" goldfish, and vanilla yogurt with a few heart sprinkles.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Couple of Bentos

I know I've been extremely lazy about posting.  I realized just this past week that I had a 1st birthday party to plan - and what didn't seem like a lot of time to plan it!!  I said I would be "as good" about planing/organizing/doing things for Cailyn as I was for Hailey.  Well, that is obviously not true (seeing as how my pregnancy scrapbook for C isn't even halfway done!).  Anyways....I digress.

Even though I haven't posted lunches, I have certainly been continuing my project....most of the time.  At least one of the girls received a bento lunch each day since I've last posted.  Unfortunately, I forgot to post the pics, and deleted a number of them from my phone.  Oops!!!

Here are two from the past week (both Hailey's lunches) that I DID manage to save.

In this bento, a grilled cheese sandwich (no crusts), baby carrots w/ranch, mini pretzels, homemade cinnamon applesauce, strawberries, and a few mini fudge cookies.

This bento contains a cheese stick (cut into pieces), some crackers, cucumbers with a container of ranch, raspberries, peach pudding, and cinnamon goldfish.

Hopefully I'll be 5 for 5 in posting next week!!! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Day, Another Bento

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: mozzarella cheese hearts, Wheat Thins, grapes with a turtle pick, Cheez-Its, strawberry-banana licorice, and mixed berry yogurt

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Putting the puzzle together

I saw sandwich cutters that form pieces of a puzzle. I tried to recreate with Hailey's sandwich, though I don't really think the soynut butter and jelly on wheat cam out like a puzzle!!  Ah well.  Along side that is mini pretzels, strawberry and banana licorice, vanilla yogurt, strawberries, and mini cookies for dessert.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yay for Fall!!!!

Finally, fall is here!  I loved wearing sweats all day and snuggling with my girls.  I didn't love that the house temperature was 59 degress for most of the day, but I did a lot of cooking and baking which warmed things up nicely.  Looks like cold rain for the beginning of the week. I don't know how I feel about that...but, at least the heat is gone! 

I'm noticing tomorrow's lunch isn't very colorful.  I'll really need to start being more creative.  I find that I can't send Hailey with *too* much because she is too busy looking at everything and then rushes to eat.  I need to brainstorm a bit....

Lunch for Hailey is heart shaped ham and cheese on wheat bread (little picks holding the sammies together), mini pretzels, grapes and strawberries, peach yogurt, and mini fudge cookies.

No "bento" for Cailyn tomorrow. She is having broccoli-cheddar soup, diced strawberries, yogurt, and baby goldfish.