Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mid week, first bento!

It isn't really funny anymore. In one week, we've had two snow days, one day of work, a three day weekend due to MLK day, and another snow day today (oh, and a partridge in a pear tree?).  I'm anxious to get back to work, and I know Hailey is looking forward to seeing her friends and teachers back at school tomorrow.  Hopefully we will have a full day....but, looking at the sheet of ice surrounding my house, I would not be the least bit surprised to get a phone call that we have a delay tomorrow.  

You would think with all the extra time I've spent at home over the last few days, I would have the coolest bento for tomorrow.  However, I'm so exhausted from having all this time off with the girls that I'm counting down the days til February vacation!  Needless to say, I just threw some things into Hailey's Easy Lunch Box container, and I'll add some snacks in the morning. :)

Hailey's lunch: Half a turkey and cheese on a sandwich thin (mayo is in the fish container), some caramel rice cake minis, broccoli with a container of ranch, some frozen blueberries that will thaw before lunchtime, and a small homemade brownie for dessert.

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