Monday, February 28, 2011


Last day of February, and I've met my goal of finding 20 followers!  I think for March, I'll look for 5 more. :)

Cailyn has mastered a word - cookie.  It was originally cute: every time she would pass through the kitchen, she would say in her cute little angel voice "cookie?".  She was obviously good....we all gave in every.single.time.  Well, then it became funny.  Each time the pantry would open, no matter where she was, her little feet would come running, no longer asking for a cookie, but demanding "Cookie!".  I stopped giving in, but Paul wouldn't.  I found it was becoming a problem when I told her no one day, and she flopped on her belly kicking, banging the floor, and crying while panting the word over and over.  Who would have thought I would have a 15 month old terror!  The final straw came just last week, while in the grocery story, she screamed the word in every aisle we were in.  

I never thought I would have to do the "cry it out" method over a cookie.  The pediatrician's office said it would be a rough couple of days (um, yes, very!), but then the habit would be broken.  Well, it is.  She is perfectly satisfied with a few animal crackers after dinner.  Occasionally, I will catch her looking at me with that coy smile as she walks by the pantry.  Now, when I hear "cookie?" it is followed by a little giggle as she walks away.

Cailyn's lunch for tomorrow: peas and carrots, quartered grapes, chicken nuggets (diced), and mozzarella cheese.  There are a few animal crackers in there, too. ;-)

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: wheat thins, a cheese stick, goldfish, chicken nuggets (with a turtle pick), a container of ketchup, celery, grapes, vanilla pudding with sprinkles, and some Toy Story gummies.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Last week I tried to use a lot of leftovers.  I didn't want to make lunches, let alone post photos of them.  As a matter of fact, I didn't want to even be in school (it was supposed to be our February vacation, after all!), but now it is a new week.  I'm hopeful it will be a good one!! :)

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: cream cheese and jelly on whole wheat, pirate's booty, grapes and strawberries, yogurt, yogurt covered raisins, and a container with a few jelly beans

I was SO excited to see jelly beans in the grocery store this weekend.  I may have to hide them from now on though - Paul has already finished the bag!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tonight I took pictures of both girls' lunches for tomorrow.

Cailyn's lunch: halved blueberries, cubes of cheddar cheese, peas and carrots, and smile fries, cut into smaller pieces.  She also has a vanilla pudding cup.

Hailey's lunch is cheese on bread (ahem, I used to LOVE getting this in my lunch!!) with a container of mayo, cheez-its, blueberries and strawberries, yogurt, and a fruit roll-up.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Non February Vacation Lunch

This week was supposed to be February Vacation week.  After all of the snow days, we had President's Day off, but need to go to school/work the remainder of the week.  Oh well.  I can't complain after all the days off last month!!  I figured I'll give Hailey a palm tree to pretend that she is someplace warm. :)

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: A cream cheese and jelly palm tree, baby swiss Cheez Its, vanilla yogurt with green sprinkles, chocolate rice cake minis, strawberries and blueberries, and a small packet of Pez as a treat.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There MUST be an easier way to upload a picture from Facebook.  I have my "bento" folder.  Well, FB has messed with how pictures are displayed, and now it is taking me too long to be able to update my blog.  Any ideas on how to make the photo uploading process easier (I'm using my droid and sending to FB)?

Anyways, things are well for all of us.  It is weird to lose our February break next week, but I don't mind too much.  I'm certainly looking forward to a three day weekend!!!

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: half a soynut butter and jelly sandwich, grape tomatoes with a container of ranch, blueberries, pirate's booty, applesauce, and a mini 3 musketeers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day - a little early.....

Hailey has been a bit sad this week, and having a hard time with going to bed because "mommy is leaving."  I tried to explain to her that I will always be in her heart.  I figured I would give her some extra hearts tomorrow.

She has two heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches, grape tomatoes (forgot the ranch again!!! darn!!!), chocolate rice cake minis, pirate's booty, mixed berry yogurt, and a hershey mini candy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Breaking out the Love

Since Valentine's Day is sneaking right up on me (ummm, hello? I feel like January never existed this year!!!!), I figured I'd start introducing hearts, pink, red, cupid, etc. now.  Hailey loves Valentine's Day, so I hope she enjoys.

Hailey's lunch: two mini cheese sandwiches (heart shaped), some grape tomatoes (oops!!! I just realized I forgot ranch....I wonder if she will eat them anyways??), parmesan flavored goldfish, a fruit roll-up, mandarin oranges (in honor of "o" week at school) with a little heart pick,  and vanilla yogurt with pink sprinkles.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


"This is going to be a good week" is going to be my mantra.  I figure, if I keep chanting it, it is bound to be a good week, right?

Cailyn's lunch for tomorrow: half an open-faced grilled cheese, cut into bite sized pieces, grapes (cut into quarters), a few animal crackers, and applesauce.  I'm also sending some yogurt in case she is overly hungry.  She is feeling much better now, but is now unpredictable with how much she will (or will not!) eat.

Hailey's lunch for tomorrow: Half a grilled cheese, minus the crusts, with a little cupid pick, pirate's booty, pudding with sprinkles, grapes, and some animal crackers.